在被幽禁的一个月里受尽折磨was tortured for a month while held captive
She was hit so hard the brush snapped.
扣紧了的皮带buckled belt
把我推前扯后jerked me forward and down
把油、蚝油和辣椒酱混合逼她喝was also forced to drink a cocktail of oil, oyster sauce and chilli sauce
找到一个弹头found one bullet
没有理会受害者感受disregarded the victims' feelings
It was definitely a gun attack.
She suffered a temporary loss of sight in her left eye as a result of the strong pepper spray.
和Weise驳火exchanged gunfire with Weise
承认用藤条和铁尺虐打一名四岁女童,以责罚她尿床admitted caning a four-year-old girl with a rattan stick and a metal ruler for wetting herself
拔枪draw guns
虐打一学童至死the sustained fatal beating and torture of a schoolboy
迫食烟头was forced to eat cigarette butts
家庭暴力事件上升an increase in number of domestic violence
案情**a sordid case
涉嫌和淋镪水一案有关而被捕has been arrested in connection with an acid attack
扫帚柄broom sticks
激活国安机制the start of the national security mechanism
斩下他的头sever his head
淋红油red paint was splashed
A bloodstained axe was found at the scene.
脱去他的衣服stripped him
被人用铁棍殴打was beaten with an iron stick
被人用铁链缠颈和脚,并扣上锁was chained and padlocked around his neck and feet
被汽枪射击165次was shot 165 times with an air rifle
被禁锢在加连威老道一个单位was kept prisoner in a Granville Road flat
被蒙眼、用东西把口塞住和用化学品烧was blindfolded, gagged and burned with a chemical
被劈死was hacked to death
被喷杀虫水sprayed with insecticide
An Indonesian maid was filmed ill-treating her employer's two-year-old son at home on a hidden camera.
One bullet hit the right knee of Ms Lu and another grazed the belly of Mr Chen as they were waving to crowds of supporters lining the road.
掐某人的脖子throttle somebody
最严重的校园枪击事件the worst classroom shooting rampage
恶毒殴打某人subjected somebody to a vicious assault
掌掴耳朵clapped on his ears
曾多次寻求社工及警方协助had sought help from social workers and the police numerous times
会采取措施防止暴力事件重现would adopt measures to prevent a repeat of such violence
腹部中枪was shot in the stomach
对某人拳打脚踢,更以折椅作武器pummelling somebody with fists, feet and a folding stool
枪械管制法例gun-control laws
箍颈somebody was held by the neck by somebody
暴力罪犯violent offenders
暴行oppressive conduct
殴打某人physically assault sb/beat up somebody
导致陈先生左耳耳膜破裂left Mr Chan with a perforated left eardrum
臀部被淋上电油had petrol poured on to his buttocks
A teenager has been arrested in connection with attacks on six pregnant women at public housing estates in Wong Tai Sin between May and this month, police said yesterday.
Officers had inadequate training in domestic violence.
谴责暴行condemning the violence
Bruises were found on the woman's chin and there was a cut on her right hand.
仍然为残肢进行DNA化验were still conducting DNA tests on the body parts
支解某人dismembering somebody
他死时所身处的单位a flat where he met his death
They found the body of missing schoolgirl Yim Pui-shan trussed in a blanket and stuffed in a wardrobe.
出于自卫in a reaction of self-defence
尼龙袋藏有五岁男童尸体a five-year-old boy whose body was stuffed into a nylon bag
向该名男子开了五枪fired five shots into the man
Her internal organs were found dumped in a plastic bag.
She suffered multiple fractures to her skull.
伸手试探她是否仍有呼吸out his hand to see if there was any breathing
否认一项谋杀罪deny a charge of having committed murder
Police broke into the apartment after a visiting friend of Li's reported a strong smell coming from the flat.
No other wounds were found on the body.
命案homicide case
尸体有遭虐打痕迹body showed signs of physical abuse
had been dead for (a period) before his body was discovered
A man's dismembered body was found buried in salt and stuffed in a metal trunk in a flat in Tuen Mun yesterday.
为报仇而要杀他kill him in revenge
家庭惨剧/伦常惨剧family tragedies
弃尸悬崖下the body was dumped over a cliff
杀人不眨眼with little or no respect for human life
No signs of struggle were found and his belongings were not stolen.
被他的死讯吓坏devastated by his death
被发现遗弃于was found abandoned in/on
连环杀手serial killer
残肢/碎尸/人体残骸dismembered body parts/the dismembered remains/the discarded limbs/the severed torsos and thighs
无头尸体headless corpse
A woman was tortured and her body dismembered, cooked and dumped —— with her head stuffed inside a Hello Kitty doll, a jury heard yesterday on the opening day of her murder trial.
烧尸setting her body alight
头部受伤致死died as a result of injuries inflicted on his head
避过大量便衣警员的搜捕行动escaped the huge undercover dragnet
badly decomposed
一百四十万元赎金已经寻回the $1.4 million had been recovered
Fifteen men and five women have been arrested in connection with the kidnap.
仍然挟持着人质who still holding captives
Six people have been arrested in connection with the kidnap and murder of a 13-year-old boy.
付二十五万元人成币做赎金pay 250,000 yuan ransom
The body of missing five-year-old Law Shui-wai was found trussed up and drowned off Tsing Yi yesterday, three days after he was abducted outside a restaurant in Aberdeen.
外国人质foreign hostages
用枪指吓他们,并推他们上车bundled the victim into the car at gunpoint
交赎金pay the ransom
Iraqi militants released eight Chinese hostages yesterday.
收到绑匪电话,要求六百万元赎金received ransom calls demanding $6 million
收赎金collect the ransom
But armed groups are still believed to be holding dozens of foreigners captive in Iraq as bargaining chips.
You took advantage of the trust these children placed in you as their ex-amah.
否认有参与绑架denies involvement with kidnappings
男童灌有毒化学物质administering a noxious chemical to the boy
The mastermind behind the kidnapping of two children held captive.
呼吁被绑者家属报案urge family members to report kidnap cases
An initial postmortem examination confirmed the boy was killed on the day of his aduction. However, the cause of his death would not be known until a full autopsy was carried out.
促请当地官员全力拯救人质urged officials there to do their utmost to free them
拯救人质,确保他们安然无恙rescue the hostages unharmed
致电被绑者的家属,勒索五十万镑telephoned their victim's family and demanded £500,000
要求二百镑赎金demand a ransom of £200
射杀了一名女人质shot dead one woman hostage
涉嫌带走赎金而遭扣留was detained on suspicion of acting as a courier for ransom
勒索issued blackmail threats
从没支付赎金no ransom has been paid
杀死所有人质kill all of the hostages
被扣作人质were held hostage
被某人诱走be lured away by somebody
Lasting distress was likely to have been caused to the 11-year-old boy.
逐一和人质握手shook hands with each of the hostages
最近的人质事件latest hostage incident
绑架案主脑architect of kidnap
The family was ordered to pay the money across the border.
尝试突击拯救人质attempt to storm in to release the hostages
Those who abducted the three Japanese civilians have reportedly said they would burn them alive unless Tokyo starts pulling its troops out of the country.
据报近日在伊拉克被掳走have been reportedly kidnapped in Iraq in recent days
获释人质the released hostages
缴付九十五万元赎金paid a ransom of $950, 000
释放你们手上所有人质release all your hostages
(被释放后)与家人重聚reunited with their families
一宗电话亭爆炸案a bomb blast at a phone booth
一连串爆炸事件a string of blasts
A bomb disposal team was called to the airport to remove the suspicious material from the plane.
土制炸弹a home-made bomb
引爆炸弹detonate the device
They had been strapped with explosives.
No one claimed responsibility.
向某地投掷手榴弹threw a hand grenade at somewhere
在车底放置炸弹the planting of a bomb under a car
收到恐吓信has received a threatening letter
利用拆弹机械人把可疑包裹引爆a suspicious package was destroyed by a police robot
We find the village of Latifa littered with bomblets that haven't gone off yet.
Some bombs had been sent to clerics wrapped as gifts.
汽油弹Molotov cocktail
防止有人遥距引爆炸弹prevent anyone from remotely detonating bombs
受到恐吓had been criminally intimidated
尚未引爆的炸弹unexploded bombs
拆除一个威力强大的炸弹defused a powerful bomb
拆除炸弹disarm a bomb
拆弹专家bomb disposal officers
放置了一枚炸弹planted a bomb
表示收到恐吓勒索reported threats or blackmail attempts
封锁花园街一段路面cordoned off a section of Fa Yuen Street
看似没有危险look quite innocuous